Friday, August 30

Stuff to consider when out together


That's where at least I'm at emulating although my shorts don't have turn ups (and I can only think of a couple of casual shorts that had a shorter turnover.

What I'm talking about this week refers to even in places that won't be named by people whose name, gender and that aren't going to be disclosed  but because I feel the subject needs some talking about.

The redacted version is a person was seen off site on a photograph engaged in and having attire more associated with "adult content" tm - how the photograph came to be seen is another matter.

Normal rules are: no pictures without permission, no identifying features of site to deal with reverse image searches.

Thing is if some place in full public view in less than a quarter mile is where you are doing something "adult", there's every probablity people staying very near you may see it and it wouldn't take much enquiring to find where you might stay and they may of seen you around a day or so before too.

Thus the likelihood is your group is likely to be outed probably in a state of disgrace to the venue holder who is likely to bar you from future bookings.

That understandably really annoyed the person in whose name the booking was made as they'd be one dealing with the fall out.

I raise it as a reminder of why as LB's we have to be mindful of how some who have other interests which legally they've every right to, IF NOT CHALLENGED,  can impact our days away if we don't make it clear when we consider acceptable behaviour while together and some of those things *may* be best in either totally in private or at some more "adult" event even if that's your bag.

Friday, August 23

The end of the line for Mamod

Somethings, some smells even are connected with pasts and this week one came into the news.

You owned one or had access to one at home or school but countless schoolboys remember the smell from model steam engines some using our old flammable friend Metholated Spirits or for a good while tablets following concerns about injuries from using Meths and pressure from safety authorities.

They came in many forms, steam trains, motor cars and the sort of steam engine we saw at fairs in our towns and cities, made in what was the County Borough of Smethwick, Staffordshire just on the Birmingham city border, in the Black Country.

What has resulted in the sad news that production is to cease is mainly the actions of the Terrorism Authorities who said the tablets used in over 75% of models to generate the head to create the steam traction were being used or could be used to make bombs and so they could no longer be sold.

Meths was ruled out by the safety people although we're still alive, well having used it and god knows what else back in the day.

This meant although the could sell the models, the owner could not see them working which was exactly why we bought them.

They were not still boxed glass cabinet items you collected but things we played with and retooling to convert to other fuels would of been too expensive.

They were living, breathing things boys and men loved.

I remember Chistmas 1980 having mine and loving it playing with assistance from dad, driving Mum wild with it outside.

R.I.P Mamod steam engines.

Friday, August 16

Designing the right pair for me

Experiments  this week at the cooler end as it was getting a bit much at the tail end of last week and we return to a staple of discussion both at the forum and on the blog.

One issue with me personally is I have Scoliosis, which is the medical term for curviture of the spine which is both painful as the spine doesn't properly support me, often is warm and makes getting anything around the waist to fit properly difficult unless it is elasticated or better still fully adjustible.

Elestication on shorts therefore is a must and yet even doesn't make for a snug heading to some chafing if you fall between waist sizes.

(Pix credit Albert Pendergrast Ltd)

Seeing it was getting towards the end of the School Hols and what would be the start of Autumn Term I thought  I try an experiment as a pair of charcoal grey short trouser was getting a bit worn in the seat (when you have difficulty staying upright, you put a bit more pressure around there).

I ordered up a pair pair of grey David Luke short trousers specifying the inside leg be reduced from seven inches to three, something with me height has very much the same proportions I grew up with but also requested belt loops as they like most tend not to come with belt loops.

Indeed it is unusual to see belts on shorts trousers, only appearing on the longs of older children in the way we were used to/

There would be little point in specifying a belt loop, without a belt and as it happened  you can get tradition snake buckle one that intersects fastening it and what is more they ARE elasticated to so they mould to fit tightly rather than trying to lift upwards rubbing my spine.

Having arrived a couple of days ago I can say double elasticity does work as they fit snuggly free from any movement around my waist and especially spine feeling very comfortable.

In terms of appearence, the length is right, I would wear longer around six inside leg ones in more formal settings such as meals out with family and that but for straight ahead adult-child me activities that just feels right.

Moreover the belt doesn't merely make for a better less painful fit, it does further take my appearence back to that ten year old as look back from the mirror or a passing window while out.

I know now what I need to get the perfect pair.

Friday, August 9

Clara Schumann


Some classical music composers are well known, being household names even amongst those who aren't greatly interested such as Mozart, Beethoven,Chopin and Holst and yet others are seldom heard and even less played regardless of their musics quality.

Clara Schumann a member of well known family that included Robert whose works are much programmed in concert halls is such an example.

Clara Josephine Schumann (née Wieck; 13 September 1819 – 20 May 1896) was a German pianist, composer, and piano teacher. Regarded as one of the most distinguished pianists of the Romantic era, she exerted her influence over the course of a 61-year concert career, changing the format and repertoire of the piano recital by lessening the importance of purely virtuosic works. She also composed solo piano pieces, a piano concerto (her Op. 7), chamber music, choral pieces and songs.

Part of the reason may down to her anxiety and issues with how she saw her own works, often requiring her brother's support to compose and have performed for the public in an era that required a certain amount of self publicity and getting sponsors to act as advocates for your music.

Secure employment even for the best was uncommon and thus over time we heard nothing of her works, indeed it wasn't until the 1996 Proms season a work was performed and on the opening night of this years prom in July we were treated to a performance of her Piano Concerto.

That artist made a recording a few years ago for Decca Records with the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic coupled with selection of other piano works  and I recently bought a copy out of curiosity, finding the complexity of her scores fascinating.

Friday, August 2

Thoughts while away


It's been a warm week while I've been away - more about on Monday on the other blog - but paused near the River Lune near Lancaster you are struck by how in North Lancashire much of the natural beauty has been preserved given the urban nature of Carnforth, Warton and Lancaster rather than the sprawling nature of the Manchester area or the damage in my own area of North Staffordshire from insensative uncontrolled development.

Much of this area is in an Area Of Outstanding Natural Beauty and is stunning visually and also in terms of the wildlife it helps support which shows, when supported we need not lose as much open countryside as happened elsewhere.

That's what concerns me with new government's planned planning restrictions in the so called grey belt.

People even in the more built up areas like here need gaps, green spaces for our well-being nevermind improving conditions around which many of us live.