Friday, September 15

Junior Art for Boys

There is so much here that takes me back Junior school such as the hooks with two hanging bits to take your school bag or satchel and another for to fasten your coat or for some blazer on although my school a co-ed State Junior didn't have blazers so we had typically rain proof anoraks in spring/summer and thick duffle coats with wooden toggle fastenings and hoods.
One of things I loved about that time was the arts and craft sessions where we'd make things from a big selection of bits and bods our teacher had and as here sometimes we'd start by drawing on paper (or card) what it is we wanted to make and then gluing various bits on to it  before signing..
We'd use wool, felt cut into shapes, stars, crape paper practically anything that would stick on to it plus pain or felt tip pens.
Once everyone had finished we handed our work  to our teacher who graded and displayed it either in the classroom or on the reception corridors.

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