Friday, September 29

Throwing a pot!

Moving to high school brought its own changes some of which I'll write about later on  but one was the subjects we did could be different.
 For instance while we had done arts and crafts at Junior school which I loved, in terms of resources we were limited apart from the limitations of having a cutting edge open plan school  where there's no separate fully enclosed teaching areas so much as "Home Bays" for your year and for anything outside of math or english we'd traipse to parts of building shared with other years.
High school as different for having not just individual rooms but dedicated areas for science and craftwark with specialized equipment fitted that included a fully functional kiln so we got to do quite a bit of pottery making.
We learned to throw the clay, shaping it before finishing it off ready to go into the kiln to set.
The next challenge, especially if like me you're not well co-ordinated between hands and eyes was to decorate it with various glazes remembering the colour it comes out in isn't the same as what you put on.
Although I wasn't much good at this-certainly not to the standard one would take a college or industry course in pottery- I enjoyed it because at hearty I love making things as hard as it is for me with my disabilities to do so.

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