Friday, April 27

Catching the bus

These three boys look pretty smart waiting for their bus to Prep School but in my area recently things have got a bit complicated with changes in the local bus services that do not appear to have been thought through.
Until recently all the services through our estate went from one common bus stop going clockwise or counter clockwise before continuing on but recent changes have some outbound services going opposite the bus stop with no indication of where you are to alight from.
Moreover it is on the end of a bus road junction as it joins the major A road where 'the powers that be' as I know from my 'adult' roles in the past were less than keen on having a bus stop.
We shall see if a new stop is put or changes made to the routes the next time I go out in my black school shorts, socks and white shirt!
I think I'll lay across the floor knees on carpet and play with this in the meantime as one of things I really loved to do as a boy was to drive things like toy cars and buses on imaginary journeys with people to whom I created something of a back story of.
This meant they'd be getting on and off for different things like shopping in the market square, going to school or work or taking a young child out for the day, stopping at the park.
It was like whole world I'd created.
Before I forget I'd like to thank everyone who read the blog last week, has followed the Tumblr all in the first week of going live and add I've helping dad out as he's a bit off his feet presently and we all know how important dads are to boys.
Next week I'll have something around age regression up on this blog.

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