Thursday, August 16

ASB and Forums for Adult Boys

Hello and welcome to another week here at That Uniformed Schoolboy where  we will be talking about something that matters to us, getting in contact and being able to discuss our lives.
For a variety of reasons forums for us don't tend to last long, common ones being been seen as some as 'in' with adult content or seeing what we do as a 'fetish' although it has to be said fetishes need not be remotely sexual strictly speaking but a good number of hosts have issues around this 
One that relaunched in April was which I joined a good number and  in effect rejoined but while it helped me no end, the forum' technical side had a lot issues effecting the hosting on a web server.

Dealing with that required sadly a good chunk of the functionality needed to be removed such as messaging which at least at my end appeared to be a resource hog and the forum sections which given last post displayed first nature was a must.
It also was the case in removing those sections, the posts made within them went which included a good few I made around the more being that school-aged child again.
The forum for all that was removed did continue on with quite a bit of activity with posts on it and people exchanging emails, tumblr addresses etc so at least it was fulfilling that need. 
It went for a period of a couple of days reappearing on Wednesday late afternoon on a new host.
What different people want or need from a forum can vary and for some the spanking side which may feature pictures can be a turn-off.
I have made a place which is different to ASB in a number of ways to which a link is on the Favourite Sites tab on this blog.
The Uniformed Regressors Spot, to give its full title is a Tapatape based forum for discussing Uniform, past childhoods and being an adult child taking in regression.
What is NOT going to be on their is anything sexual nor spanking  related with associated contacts because we're in the mindset of an legal adult who is back to being a child with all that appropriate for him as if he were a legal child and with the same restrictions as any decent grown up would have for him.
If he has anything connected to spanking in his life that remains strictly between him and the adult(s) off site.
If you are prepared to follow the rules and feel the need for such a discussion point you are welcome to apply.

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