Wednesday, September 12

Recovering Chris edition

As some of you might of gathered I was unwell for a few days with a Migraine last week so not an awful lot got done because when that happens the curtains have to be drawn, the computer switched off and put away and naturally the tv too and that's besides these Compact Fluorescent bulbs we've had since the EU directive against regular incandescent bulbs.
I actually find that sort of bulb triggering.
I've had these migraines pretty much from the age of five or six haven been to the doctors regularly in all that time and when I was at boarding school I was often down in the sick bay for a day or two with them being kept an eye on.
You know Andy who is almost as old as I, spent most of his time in my clutches as I was cuddling him lying on top of my bed and actually that's him on the left. 
Yes folks that actually is me in daytime dressed in 'proper' school shorts sat on a couch with him on my lap trying to take a picture holding the camera above me, praying the focus was going to be in range as you have the normal 0.8 meter to infinity auto focus and a so-called Macro mode which strictly speaking isn't unlike my Minolta film Camera and the life size adapter to the 50mm 'standard lens' that gives 1:1 images but is usable for big flowers or models.
And by the way my skin looks really 'fresh' being that smooth regardless of 'bone' age I actually am cos I look much younger than those years!!!
I'd like to thank everybody including Sammy for their best wishes during this period cos feeling cared for does make a difference and it should be possible for us to support each other as boys in a way we're comfortable with.
Speaking personally I feel more comfortable with the support and understanding of males rather than more feminine sympathy and what to me feels too 'hemmed' in and intense.

On Friday we have more schoolish talk

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