Friday, June 28


Long,warm week here a one item is delayed as it went "up north" with little real reason and so has make its way towards me with some rerouting which is annoying but what can you do?

Been working on tidying a few things up here betwen the heat  and one thing there's a fair few of is books, specifically annuals of various kinds.

We usually kept our eye peeled and ears opened for any advance information that years annuals and back when I was a younger child such an adverisement and an order form were fairly common in publications your parents, relatives and that saw plus often the catalogue companies carried a number so together with a new school jumper you might of recievd a copy of the Tiger annual for the upcoming year.

There are a number of cubs annuals here, some officially endorsed others not and today they remain popular with people so go to any "antique" or auction house and you'll see them and f course on Ebay you'll find a load listed too.

Part of the reason is they do take people back to that time in their lives (some of us haven't left it!), others may be replacing copies lost or taken away as they got older and it was felt they didn't need them anymore.

Condition plays a part, spines on book can and do get damaged by tiny, excited hands, bindings get a bit worn and dust jackets at least a little feathered at the corners but I'm relaxed over much of this cos while I did take reasonable care of books, for me the fact it was owned and loved matters a lot.

So long as its not falling apart and is at least a "good reading copy" I'm fine.

Annuals despite all the digital world are still around although scouting and girl guides ones have stopped this century.

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