Friday, June 21

Weekends, steam and risks

 Friday, for most of us the last day of the school week and the start of the weekend, so you'd make your way back posing by the door before setting off.

Then weekends could mean doing other things that were messy, smelly and rather fun like using Oxford commas (lol) thanks to the wonders of Meths!

Turn of the decades me had a little steam engine that run on Meths as for that matter did my History teacher, P.O.C. who even showed one one day when we had a few spare moments and didn't mind going a bit off subject although he did put the link between steam and the industrial revolution in it must be said.

I enjoyed the smell of the thing although when I used it, I certainly wasn't in "sunday best", seeing puffing away and back then nobody raised an eyebrow at being handling meths and lighting it at the age of 15.

Given some my mates were smokers at that age perhaps we had experience of handling stuff current generations perhaps might lack.

It's like Bunsen burners back then we knew how to handle them and lighting up but not a few schols don't do that sort of hands on sort of science terrified about health and safety today but really the best way to be safe is to learn first hand how to handle things.

Performing a real "risk assessment" and handling ready for the real world.

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