Friday, June 14

Of bears and things

 Not feeling that great today I'm afraid so I'm upstairs and resting which kind of takes me on to something that is very much a part of this life.

Perhaps for some the last memory you might of had of handling a teddy bear might of been toward the last days of your schooling when it may of been your teams mascot.

I can recall being seen with a teddy much above thirteen was seen as a a wee bit embarrassing if you were a boy especially if you were sharing spaces such as a dorm or a tent camping.

I was never really like that at home although they could only be the odd one on a shelf at home and not seen to be had been played with although I'd hid the odd small one in my room to put by the pillow at night.

You really wanted him always with you like taking him out but unlike girls who get away with cute stuffy backpacks we never could once we started to be seen as  "big boys" not least cos teddy is the one thing you could tell your secrets to and just listen.

Although he's a bit dear at some £116.99 wouldn't you want a schoolboy  teddy with his very own satchel and gift of a cone of sweets for your class?

1 comment:

  1. Any story for niceness, for rational emotional caring and allowing folks their personal comfort, personal comfort, proves that forums containing traumatic humiliation fantasy stories don't work and don't support any niceness or comfort choices.
