Friday, December 28

The 2018 review

One thing I tend to do is to take stock of the past year and talk about how I might see the future.
I think we should start really with me as a person.
Although I have always been like this for a long time tm, the year 2018 has seen me grow more and in one respect this image kind of summarizes it perfectly because you have the interest in the outside world as in current affairs, pop culture, arts and sport that I have reading a newspaper, reading say the BBC website that shows some maturity and equally there is the more child-like side that clearly is a boy still and enjoys doing those clearly non adult centred things.
Thus I am "adult" by age and some comprehensions of the world and yet in others very much the child.
The Chris of 2018 wore shorts nearly all the time and schoolboy longs when not in what was clearly a schoolboy uniform right down to the jersey and long socks in public, in front of my parents, siblings and at home at Christmas even to the point of playing with his lego on boxing day.
Indeed I spent nearly all this winter outside in them with temperatures down to five degrees C with just a decent coat on being more resilient than ever being free from any seasonal ailments.
That boy is just how I see and am presenting from now on - very much a boy with no compromises - and being open about it.

The other thing is my sense of innate masculinity is much stronger than it has been for a number of years part of which has come by looking anew at just how I was as that boy looking at what did and enjoyed as it talking both on tumblr and here about that.
I saw a very clear indication to where I gravitate to when it comes to gender based roles and positions and how the trickle of doubts and slights had been pushed by others with their own often anti-men (and boy) agendas.
It is very clear I am very much masculine at the core the odd gender minority interest interest aside and acting from that inner sense has helped me so much this year to the point I am standing up for my gender and nay even showing pride in my boyishness.
Part of the exploration of self has taken the form of adopting the values and principals in scouting which was a denied part of boyhood, learning new skills and challenging myself to help me grown more as that adult-but child boy making the most of my abilities which outside of my actual disabilities I have and would benefit from engaging more with.
I am becoming a cub scout in spirit, learning from it and moving on as I  learn life skills and engaging more with nature, taking long walks paying attention to my environment.
The year saw my involvement on Tumblr where I interacted with a number of you, saw temporarily surface before closing and finds Tumblr itself in a state of some confusion presently.

While I have a blog like this one, because of what is going on at Tumblr I have decided to back up The Traditional Schoolboy and TSB2 to Wordpress lest any posts with personal insights get deleted or whole tumblrs go.
Losing a straight reblog of an image isn't a disaster as I tend to save images I use but it's anything with my text in that's more of a problem potentially.
I established a tumblr looking at Scouting last month and have put that manually onto a Blogger account lest anything happen as that'll be less busy but more personal in feel look at that and what its values mean to me. I have put a link to it on the Page tabs that will take you straight to it.

I also established the Uniform Regressors site Uniformed Regression Forum which is a sfw spot to discuss age regression and uniform topics free from any sex or spanking content because it is rare for any discussion to happen on Tumblr and a number of us like to talk about topics.

To me going forward is in certain respects going backwards in time to those interests that remain and those in real life limitations that mean I require the support and supervision more of that child, getting those needs met.
It involves too learning new skills and exploring more of the world around me so I make the most of those innate abilities I have, being as independent as I can to make the most of my life.

Wednesday, December 26

A boyish christmas

This year on That Uniformed Schoolboy the Christmas entry is a little different.
Anyone familiar with this blog and the Tumblrs The Traditional Schoolboy and The Traditional Schoolboy 2 plus Chris_Minor, will know of the sore that runs from not being given the chance to join up to scouting  not least the Cub Scouts and how I'm trying to do some positive to put some similar character building challenges into my life to provide at least a bit of what I missed.
Thus it is entirely fitting that this Christmas I should have a copy of The Sixer in a year I'd of been a Cub Scout to help inspire those changes as I align to living by the spirit of scouting with stories and accounts of cub scout life.

One problem I have is in recent years there has been a pull toward altering characters in the storytelling and way they are drawn in a good many comics and even cartoons and this comes into the Beano which is something I always loved reading to meet modern ideas on how children should be treated, how they treat others in a very political correct way to the point Dennis doesn't menace anymore, the teachers aren't the authority figures at Bash Street School, Rodger's dodges are toned down and so on.
Instead I have decided to go back to an annual I almost certainly had first time round with those main characters being the boys and girls we loved, getting into scrapes, feeling the full power of the authority figures just as we did back then.
It featured cartoon strips from Tom, Dick and Sally, Babyface Finlayson, Lord Snooty and Biffo the Bear who were dropped later on but a part of my memory of reading the comic that came flooding back
It's smaller touches like Teacher carrying a cane in the Bash Street Kids, Roger the Dodger drawn having a spanking and a clear threat to in Dennis the Menace from his dad that reflected the life I and countless others had in 1974 and our cartoon and comic world reflected it.
It's not that I have an issue with new series reflecting today's society whatever one may think of that but it's remaking timeless series trying to tell us Dennis got married having a son called Dennis to justify these actions at the bequest of  social activists plus had Dennis Mk2 redrawn and behaving totally differently. It's like the story title may be the same but doesn't and isn't the same story any more.
I did have the Dandy current annual though that remains truer to its original form even if sadly the weekly paper comic is long gone as that is more a continuation of the past characters like Korky the cat and Desperate Dan with just the odd update.
Going back to go forward I had something else I had but in a slightly different form from those days.
Yes a new lego set rather than the old cardboard and plastic set I originally had with big boards plus french windows and doors although you can add to it as the box is pretty generous in size
I have had the odd kit since but the thing is those themed kits only make two or three things at the most  where as the classic lego I had  as a boy enabled you to make lots of different things from only being limited by your own imagination and running out of bits.
I did get this the bigger baseboard separately which isn't as chunky as the original but will do the job which will allow bigger things to be made and you can easily get another if needed. 
Mom got me some new grey knee length socks for my shorts too which is super awesome AND I wore my uniform with a grey jumper and tie with my folks while staying with them just like that boy always did.
As  you can imagine it was a just the kind of Christmas a ten year old me would of wanted and had the second time around.

Friday, December 21

Season's greetings

We're almost there here at That Uniformed Schoolboy and as it is the first full year on Tumblr I will be taking a break during the Christmas period to spend time not just with family but also to reflect on Christmas itself.

Wishing everybody a Happy Christmas and all the best for 2019

See you soon, Chris.

Friday, December 14

Wrapping and tidying up

Image credits: Grey Shorts
It may sound incredulous but it's the second week of December and I'm still going outside in my shorts and long socks with just a decent coat over me which is quite something because for a long period I used to get very ill over the winter not being able spend time out of doors, having to be wrapped up.
I think a lot of this is down to making more of a point of eating better less starchy food, taking more regular exercise everyday except in the most inclement of conditions and cultivating a hardier tougher body more befitting of boy like me.
In my youth Christmas cards were a big thing and still are so while much of what I touch wood should be having is taken care in the hands of Mr. Claus, I do have my cards to do before the cut off date for posting them.
I have done a bit of tidying up on my Tumblr one involves changing its URL which is fine for followers as you'll be automatically changed over but for anyone that isn't, a updated link is on my about page and my Uniformed Regression tapatape site.
As well, I have trimmed the odd entry because of Tumblrs messy A.I based flagging system for (potentially) nsfw content and also as they seem trigger happy over sensitive content setting a low bar over things that were just part of our childhoods as regular accepted things. They tend to suffer from a "The past you wish to depict must fit our idea of present accepted behaviour" complex unable to accept the past is what it is.
It seems some things may have to kept for here so I'll put the odd post in over Christmas I think for you to look for.

Wednesday, December 12

New-old boyhood

Tumblr is a funny place where the future of TSB2 post tumblr changes remains to be seen but this innocuous image got flagged that was part of a post so with that I'll post a chunk of what I intended here instead.
A lot of good has happened to me this year even if one place isn't with us and another has an issue with our name to the point I have made some plans one of which is I having a purely age regression with uniform tumblr that IS pointed toward a specific age regression community and because of, I won't be having followers from any sort of kink on it just age regressors and those who like to wear uniform in a non-sexual way.
So If you don't meet that then you'll be removed because that increases the likely of inappropriate interaction when I'm just being a boy all over again AND is incompatible with my belonging to that group. Sammy's always welcome :)

On November 9th I posted a bit about my Cub Scout Badges and what they mean to me.
Here are a couple more, the Sixer Badge for the older boy helping and keeping an eye on his six so everyone's okay and a Challenge badge as well as a Community one all of which would of been awardable back then.
I had the traits and temperament being in what in modern parlance you'd call a Playground Buddy at junior school back then and have in years shown what would be required to have got the challenge and community badges as someone who has played a important part in the community by direct involvement and leadership.

Something else is actually after meeting an adult who was involved my life then and since, I remembered seventeen of year 3/4 juniors who all left for high school the same year by full name being able to visualize how they looked back then including the pack of boys I belong to.
One thought transpired afterward: I had had achieved despite considerable obstacles a stake in the role in the community comparable to my peers, the one my headmaster saw I had the potential for.

Friday, December 7

Socks and some...

In what has been in many ways a messy week emotional for for reason's I'll go into later slowly we are moving toward Christmas  and that brings in things you do with family, the small matter of anything you may be having and in this age, your online availability.

Seeing we are definitely into Winter seasonally although temperatures have been above the seasonal norm for a number of days as I've been out in my shorts most times and indeed it has to be said finally a pair of cargo shorts developed an irreparable hole that would show a tiny part of ones underwear so had to replaced by a blue pair, keeping warm matters.
Enter these long socks, not quite traditional that by accident turned out to be navy but hey they do match those shorts if not my regular grey ones.
They are relatively thick with a hint of lycra to hold them up no matter how vigorous you may walk without the use of traditional green edged garters most of us can recall from junior school or cubs and do appear to do what they should.
While I suspect tradition may play out when it comes to what I get for Christmas when it comes to 'stocking fillers', these will do very nicely in the meantime for use with those navy blue shorts. 


As we all know new Terms of service to come into effect December 17 being announced on Monday December 3rd which heralds the end of hosting *any* nsfw/adult material which of itself shouldn't concern most of us as asbs.
What is of concern is starting from December 3rd though they have brought in heavy-handed automated flagging by computer algorithm any images and tags associated with such material.
I would suggest as a minimum do NOT tag with anything with the word/ phrase "adult" in it as in adult schoolboy as no doubt they'll see that as nsfw/sexual and if you *need* to use other words/tags that may be an issue such as 'boy' replace one character by a figure or symbol.
If you have a flagged post, you have two options - delete or have it reviewed.
If the post is of little consequence it may be easier to just delete it and be done as it is already flagging stuff up regularly that's so wrong-headed you couldn't make it up like my Pink Panther image and yes The Moomins.

Concerning my tumblrs here is the lowdown in their status in the Tumblrsphere.

Traditional Schoolboy - one post in review being flagged and totally sfw. Not marked as explicit by Tumblr OR me.

Traditional Schoolboy2 - as you know I remade that the original having been removed by Tumblr.
Two posts flagged - the infamous Post 100 which I deleted and republished and a Pink Panther still from the opening which I'm having reviewed.It appears to have been unflagged but still no email.
Tumblr has for some reason marked that Tumblr as sensitive content which makes no sense so am appealing it. 
If that tumblr got axed around December 17, I would not be surprised in the slightest and won't be remaking it.

Chris_minor01 - Few of you know about it it's a very much a boy age regression themed one that I hope to take into a mainstream age regression community on tumblr.
I will not be accepting anything or anyone Kink on it and for avoidance of doubt this includes "sissies, "forced feminization"" or anyone with "sissy posts" or other material with a sexual agenda.
The same pink panther still image got flagged and was reviewed and approved.
This isn't marked up by me or Tumblr as explicit.
Should TSB2 get deactivated, I will transfer over some of themed sets of posts from that