The year began with a few constant things such as a week punctuated by the arrival of comics as it was back in the 70's and early 80's from a mixture of the new such as the Pheonix, Commando the D C Thomson part reprint part new story war based adventure comic, the monthly Adventure Plus Max mixing a short story with comic strips, a quiz and some humanties based facts althouh mysteriously my account got disrupted at the end of the first season of the year and Monster Fun.
Monster Fun mysteriously stopped at the Decemember issue although a issue for January had been planned with no real warning which was very sad as had been going great guns with real bio-kid involvement, moving to a monthly and even having some subscriber specials.
Having spent a fair bit on Little Boy clothing and refined appearences to allow for more blending in during the school hols I only needed to renew a few sweatshirts of the sort favoured by a number of Junior schools today, more period socks including banding free grey ones which stick out a bit less and some Cub inspired uniform items,
I got out more than I did in 2023 spending days with the more likemind for very much totally innocent child-like fun with not one jolt of anything kink, ikky or off whatever some may choose to believe. They could not be more wrong if they tried.
Musically we did on balence spend more on records often new reissues as we found they sounded better than previous cd editions and a few choice used titles from a handful of quality sellers.
Major buys being most of the 1964 U.S. Beatles albums in mono, a seperate post of which was made about and the Now Yearbook three lp issues of hits from the 1970's which replaced long lost Ktel or re-recorded Hallmark Top Of The Pops compilations bought at the time.
A small group of beautique classical record reissues were bought as were the odd used title although given most classical output is on cd, most brand new recordings were brought in that format.
The domestic arrangments whilke prone to some incidents had settled down with things more understood although things like Respiritory virus did cause issues in October and Novemeber.
We should be away in February although I'll need to catch a train towards Herefordshire for the first leg of it which should be fun.
Onwards and upwards regardless of pressures is more my plan for the New Year.